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I would just like to highlight the absolute insanity of this abstract from Shades of Privilege: The Relationship Between Skin Color and Political …

Academics discover tans

——- in addition to the insanity pointed out by the commentary in this link, The paper itself is so utterly ridiculous because in essence it’s arguing that if we stay in whiteness, then the gradations of skin color will become important to political and economic security.

It is a misconstrual, a misunderstanding, A missed-application of the critical idea of whiteness, to suggest conflict and opposition based on the shade of one’s skinis the way to defeat whiteness.

For race itself goes to the very heart of critical theory. And does not necessarily equate to the shade of one’s skin. For sure, the shade of one skin is what whiteness as a constructrelies upon for its authority and enactment of power through systems. But racial consciousness Is the The manner which by race becomes noticed for what it is, and thus the absolute authority of whiteness becomes compromised. It is not that people of whatever shade of skin will now lose their political and economic security, but that the very fear that is invested in such an idea is what we’re battling against. This is to say, the ideological consciousness which promotes skin color (and other racial identifiers, such as hair) as a predictor and designator of what is good and right and valuable is what racial consciousness rejects.

Posted on 自由伔安卓版中文版philosophy8 Comments on Academics discover tans



寻找丢在中国的童年(图)-历史 · 环球-中工网:2021-1-10 · 今年46岁的兰妮,和丈夫也收养了3个中国女孩儿。因为会中文,有不少收养家庭找到她,委托她帮助孩子在中国寻亲。10 多年来,她帮助过的家庭中 ...

Haunted Platonism 4

——- Aristotle as the evidence for the basis of the theology of modern reason.

Posted on Categories philosophyLeave a comment on All of the great ideas are merely footnotes to Plato.


Mental Health issues can be hazardous for helpers.
Posted on Categories 自由伔安卓版中文版Leave a comment on Why I Am On Light Duty These Days.



Posted on 自由伔安卓版中文版philosophyLeave a comment on What I’m Listening to Today in my Light Duty


I was just listening to a story about Covid and religious practice where they talked about Jerusalem and how the three Faith’s all believe that something holy happened in the same place, each to their particular religious history.

This got me thinking: I wonder if the three religious groups, leader ship perhaps of each, could get together and compare each of their theology’s together and find out what is common between them, particularly. And perhaps they could take the word of each of their law, and compare it to the other two and see where it is only the words that are keeping them apart, whereas the spirit of the words is actually the same.

自由伔安卓版中文版Categories philosophy, religionTags Christianity, 自由伔安卓版中文版, Jewish, rebirth, reconciliation3 Comments on Amalgamated Religion



自由伔安卓版中文版Categories philosophy2 Comments on What I’m listening to today in my Light Duty duties at work.


[杂谈] 另类回忆历伕H游戏评述--东北游戏网:2021-12-16 · 鬼畜王兰斯》地图 平定叛乱之后主攻方向立刻转向东南。各自为战的自由商业都市拥有巨大的经济收入,却只有一些根本不能打仗的志愿兵保卫(战斗力几乎是游戏中倒数第一),一周一个打下来问题 …

But in thinking about it, most often people use the word “best“ or “better than“ as meaning “more people have access to“.

新民网 - 为民分忧 与民同乐:2 天前 · 新民网是新民晚报官方网站,强势新闻门户,众上海突发、财经、原创新闻为特色,采用文字、视频、播客、图片、直播等全媒体技术创新报道,另有当日新民晚报数字报纸和新民周刊数字杂志供应。

And that just got me to thinking. Is best quantity or quality?

And when we naturally want to side on quality, are we really measuring that quality by quantity?

Is something better, for example, in its educational potential if we can reach more people? Is the quality of educational potential in any item better because now more people can access it?

I wonder if a quality of education which reaches only a few people is actually better than an education which meets tons of people.

And then, if we can answer truthfully those two separated questions. Can we then come to a more real and true understanding of what humanity actually is and what it does, and how to manage it towards its best potential?

自由伔安卓版中文版Categories philosophy121 Comments on What is “best”?


1) Objectification is OOO’s image of thought. Thinking with objects is not the same as thinking with facts (Wittgenstein), thinking with events (…


章莹颖的遭遇,真的与“暗网”有关?_新闻频道_中国青年网:2021-7-24 · 这里就是人性的释放空间,如果你到了那里,看到了那一切的光怪陆离,然后要做的不是沉浸在其中无法自拔,而是摇摇头,回到真实的世界中 ...

Posted on Categories philosophyLeave a comment on A Critique of OBJECT-ORIENTED ONTOLOGY

什么样的演技才能配上茂则的天使人设呢?叶祖新真的让人 ...:2021-5-9 · 原标题:什么样的演技才能配上茂则的天使人设呢?叶祖新真的让人刮目相看最近因为《清平乐》《鹤唳华亭》等剧让大家对古装剧又开始新一轮的上瘾。但现实很残酷,就拿《清平乐》来说,剧情是越来越虐新了。不是说好的朝伕剧嘛,怎么会有这么多刀子呢。

Our first and most obvious craving was for sugar. You don’t realize that sugar is really just a low-level cocaine addiction until you don’t have it …

Knowing your addictions…

什么样的演技才能配上茂则的天使人设呢?叶祖新真的让人 ...:2021-5-9 · 原标题:什么样的演技才能配上茂则的天使人设呢?叶祖新真的让人刮目相看最近因为《清平乐》《鹤唳华亭》等剧让大家对古装剧又开始新一轮的上瘾。但现实很残酷,就拿《清平乐》来说,剧情是越来越虐新了。不是说好的朝伕剧嘛,怎么会有这么多刀子呢。

Sugar. Slaves. Capitalism. Money. Drugs.


To be conscious is to recognize the elements which constitute our own being. 

Posted on 自由伔安卓版中文版cultural critique, realityTags addiction, sugar4 Comments on The Ubiquitous drug of modernity.